Preferred First Name

This project was initiated as a result of a request from the Undergraduate Student Government for students' preferred first name to appear on their ID cards and in teaching-related systems. As the University considered this request, it was determined that allowing individuals who are studying, teaching, or otherwise employed at the University to specify their name preferences would enable positive interpersonal interactions at Notre Dame and lend itself to promoting an overall healthy and positive professional and academic environment for students, faculty, and staff. Therefore, the scope of the project was expanded beyond students to include implementation for all stakeholders across the University.

In order to support this initiative, there is a new field in Banner called Preferred First Name. The benefits of Banner housing this data includes:

  • Provides a self-service option for students and employees to add, edit, delete their name information
  • Increases data integrity
  • Feeds downstream applications from a single source 
  • Eliminates the need to maintain the data in several locations

For more information on how to add/edit your preferred first name, refer to this Knowledge Article.