IT Strategic Plan

View the Plan

Published on May 13, 2024.

Download Strategic Plan 2024 [PDF, 1,720kb]


As trusted partners and advisors, IT at Notre Dame helps the University solve complex challenges to advance its mission through secure technology services, tools, and data.


IT at Notre Dame will lead thoughtful innovation in service to the University's bold aspirations, delivering efficient, people-friendly solutions while driving intentional transformation.

2024 Strategic Goals

People and Talent

Cultivate a University community of engaged, knowledgeable IT professionals, embracing diversity, excellence, and accountability, whose talents we amplify and grow.

  1. Ensure that we have the skills needed to enable and support the comprehensive technology plan.
  1. Attract and retain a talented, productive, and engaged IT@ND Community.


Build and sustain robust partnerships grounded in open communication and mutual stewardship guided by a shared vision, clear priorities, and collaborative planning.

  1. Deploy a relationship management strategy to grow and optimize University partnerships.
  1. Cultivate mutually beneficial external relationships that best support the mission of the University.

Innovation and Change

Explore, identify, and partner on emerging technologies to drive efficiency and innovation in service to teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and University operations.

  1. Define and implement a process to evaluate emerging technology and guide it through overall University IT stewardship.
  1. Deliver technologies by creating capacity and providing robust support for innovation work.
  1. Establish and implement the foundational skills, processes, and tools to leverage Artificial Intelligence at Notre Dame.


Foster a University-wide shared responsibility for cybersecurity and privacy that promotes innovation and usability while safeguarding Notre Dame and its people.

  1. Cultivate security awareness through regular training and engagement to prepare students, faculty, and staff to respond to cybersecurity threats.

  1.  Implement new data protection measures to safeguard our sensitive information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction in alignment with industry standards and best practices.

Technology Experience

Deliver an exceptional user experience by providing technology and services that ensure an inclusive, adaptive, and accessible ecosystem.

  1. Create a three-year IT@ND technology comprehensive plan that establishes shared processes, policies, and standards.
  1. Establish a collaborative user experience and digital accessibility practice.
  1. Improve user satisfaction by creating a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.