New Security Updates for Apple Devices

Author: Cassie McCan

Apple Security Update

Apple recently released operating system updates to address security vulnerabilities. The OIT Information Security team recommends that anyone with any Apple device—both personal and University owned—should install the updates immediately.

These are major operating system updates, and may take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. Please follow the instructions below to upgrade each of your device(s):

More information about OIT-supported operating systems is available in this knowledge article.

Be sure to keep the operating systems and software on all devices updated to the latest versions supported by OIT. By doing so, devices can be used safely and securely with these benefits:

  • Protection from cyber attacks: Updates will help protect your device from evolving cyber threats by addressing known vulnerabilities.
  • Optimal performance: Updates help to correct system glitches that can slow down user performance and productivity.
  • New features: Updates often contain new features that keep the operating system or software running smoothly and provide enhancements to the current version.

To save time, most devices can be set to automatically update. Additional information about the importance of keeping your devices updated is available in this knowledge article.