Teaching Resources for Fall Semester

Author: Lenette Votava

Teaching Resources for Fall Semester

It’s almost time to kick-off a new academic year. The OIT put together valuable teaching and learning resources and information to help instructors prepare for the fall semester.

Classroom Training Available

The OIT is hosting classroom technology training for instructors. Please contact Brian Burchett at bburchet@nd.edu to schedule 20 minutes for hands-on training during the week of August 19.

OIT Teaching & Learning Technologies staff will provide you with an overview of how to:

  • Login to classroom computer
  • Control the display in the classroom
  • Show content from your own laptop
  • Use Zoom to record a class
  • Have remote participants join the class via Zoom
  • Control lights and sound in the room

Faculty “Semester Start-Up” Mini-Conference

Instructors are invited to take part in a mini-conference designed to inspire and assist you as you prepare for the fall semester.

It will be held Tuesday, Aug. 20 and Wednesday, Aug. 21 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Room L068, Mendoza College of Business. This is an in-person only event.

A variety of sessions for all interest levels will be held in a casual atmosphere, and you can choose the sessions you want to attend. The Teaching & Learning Technologies team will also be available for Canvas consultations.

Session topics include:

  • Enhancing course design in Canvas with CidiLabs
  • Current state of AI in teaching
  • Using Lucid for Education in Canvas to increase student engagement
  • AI and academic integrity discussion

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by Friday, Aug. 16 via this Google Form. Be sure to sign up early as registration is limited to 50 people in each session. Breakfast pastries, coffee and lunch will be provided.

Attendees are asked to bring your laptop or device you want to work with at these sessions. Full session descriptions available in this Google Doc.

Some Canvas Course Titles May Temporarily Be Changed

Before each semester, the Registrar’s Office makes updates to courses and enrollments in Canvas. Some pre-semester updates to the primary section of cross-listed (CX) or super-sectioned (SS) courses could temporarily affect how these course titles appear in Canvas. (Note: These updates will not affect the roster or nature of the combined course site.)

The next time the registrar update runs in Canvas that day, the correct course title in the CX or SS courses will return. You can confirm that the course site remains intact by viewing the roster in the People tool, as well as the sections associated with the course in Settings > Sections.

Lucid for Education Suite Added to Canvas

Through collaborative projects, group breakout activities, and graphical assignments, Lucid encourages students to be more engaged with a subject. Starting this Fall, all Notre Dame Canvas users have access to the full Lucid for Education Suite within Canvas.

Instructors and learning designers can utilize Lucid workspaces for large courses, small groups or individual student submissions, and personal assignments can be graded and annotated through the Canvas SpeedGrader. More information is available in this knowledge article.

Use NameCoach to Hear Student Name Pronunciation

Namecoach allows instructors and students to record the pronunciation of their name to share in every course site in which they are enrolled. It is tied to each user's personal account in Canvas, and when instructors enable the tool in a published course site, students have access to each other’s name recordings. Instructions to enable this tool can be found in this knowledge article.

Panorama Makes Course Content Accessible for All

YuJa’s Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform (commonly referred to as simply Panorama), is a tool that helps improve course content accessibility. For students, clicking on the Panorama icon presents course content in a variety of formats that support different learning needs. For faculty, Panorama reviews content with recommendations for improvements, if needed. More information about this tool can be found in this knowledge article.

Box No Longer Automatically Provisioned to New Students

Beginning Fall 2024, incoming students will no longer be automatically provisioned with a Box account. New students—freshmen, transfers and graduate students—will need to submit a request to gain access to Box. Returning students are not affected by this change.

If you need to share Box files with new students, let them know that they will need to submit a request to obtain an account.

Log into Your Zoom Account Before Classes Begin

The minimum required version of the Zoom service at Notre Dame has been updated to version 6.1.5.

Before your classes begin, be sure to login to the Zoom service so it can automatically update. The update may take a minute or two to complete, then the Zoom service will launch.

If you use an unmanaged or personal device to login to Zoom with your NetID, make sure this device is also updated before classes begin. Information about the new features available in

Zoom 6 and update instructions can be found in this knowledge article.

Additional Help Resources

If you need further assistance, contact your departmental IT support staff or the OIT Help Desk during business hours at 574-631-8111 or oithelp@nd.edu. Self-service assistance— including the virtual agent—is available 24/7 at servicenow.nd.edu.