There's a New Dog in Town!

Author: Lindsey Horner

Image of Scout-the new cybersecurity guide dog.

Hi, I’m Scout! I am your new cyber safety guide dog. I live in the Information Security Office and I am now part of the OIT and the Notre Dame family. I'm protective of my new family, and I work like a dog to help you steer clear of cyber threats and keep scammers’ paws off your information.

Scammers are always thinking of bad tricks, but this pup won't roll over for anyone. I can sniff out a scam and keep you from falling for it. They play on people’s emotions and sense of urgency to get their targets to act without thinking. But I can show you what to look out for, what tactics are most common, and what you can do to protect your information from getting into the wrong hands.

As your cyber safety guide dog, you’ll find me featured in various communications, at events, on social media and many more places offering up helpful information and tips to help you avoid the bad guys.

I’m looking forward to alerting, guiding, and becoming your new best friend in cybersecurity!