ERP Evolution (Banner)

ERP Evolution Path

What is ERP Evolution

In 2023, the University set up an "ERP Evolution" roadmap spanning 3 years to chart the course for the future of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). (Think, Banner)

What is Enterprise Resource Planning

When we say ERP, we are talking about Banner here on campus.

  • Banner integrates and manages core business processes such as finance, human resources, supply chain management and student data

  • Banner provides a centralized database that enables departments to store, retrieve, and analyze data, facilitating better communication and collaboration across the organization

  • ERP systems help streamline operations, improve efficiency, and provide a comprehensive view of the organization's activities to support informed decision-making.

Three Driving factors for a campus review of our ERP

  1. Notre Dame/Ellucian contract renews March 2026
  2. Banner will change from hosted by Notre Dame to SaaS (Software as a Service) based on the strategic direction of Ellucian, Banner's vendor.
  3. Gaps and pain points identified with the current version of Banner

Potential Paths Forward for ERP

  • Continuing with Ellucian but moving to their hosted (SaaS) solution. 

  • Selecting a solution to replace ALL of Banner for all of campus

  • Selecting a solution to replace some, but not all, parts of Banner (e.g., remain on Banner for student-related processes and move to a different product for other functionalities)

What's In It For Me?

  • Improve our shared understanding of Banner’s capabilities and limitations

  • Identify some quick wins regardless of whether we remain on Banner long-term

  • Ensure we leverage our investment in Banner by thoroughly vetting and assessing it before making any decision to pursue another product

  • If we move forward with an RFP, the gap analysis will help begin to tease out requirements for the RFP

ERP Evolution Timeline

ERP Evolution Timeline

From early 2024 through 2026, the University is evaluating Banner as our campus ERP solution. The initiative started in late 2023 with the Banner Gap Analysis project, identifying system gaps and pain points for discussion with Ellucian. The current plan is for the University to make a decision by 2026 whether to issue an RFP to evaluate other ERP systems.

Why We Need You

Banner Gap Analysis: 10/2023-4/2024

  • Your work in Banner is essential to the University, and you are the experts in how we use Banner at Notre Dame 

  • Help OIT understand where current gaps exist in Banner

  • Prepare OIT to be your voice in discussions with Ellucian

  • We will need to include colleagues from your department/teams who can help detail your Banner processes

Get More ERP Details

Review a brief description of each initiative on the timeline here

Banner Gap Analysis Kick-off slide deck

Banner Gap Analysis Kick-off video recording

Questions - Contact Chris Corrente -, Office of Information Technology, Senior Director, Enterprise Applications
